Matthew Desotell

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The Flag is Stronger Than This

Our country might be going through an identity crisis and some PR problems, but the flag should be good. As a symbol for a set of ideals and values, it’s stronger than whatever controversy might be surrounding it.

As the arguments and conversations develop, I keep seeing the flag as a giant umbrella or shield that protects the kind of heated debate taking place underneath it. When I see all those men on the field taking a knee, I see the flag as covering their backs.

Like the flag is saying, I got you. I’m strong enough that you can use me for cover. Take a stand or take a knee. Go ahead. I got you. You can speak your truth.

The flag represents a set of ideals that makes it strong enough to not only allow all of these kinds of things to happen, but to protect it while it does. All of it was also fought and paid for through service and sacrifice, and continues to be fought and paid for today by those who protect it. Everybody respects that.

Under this flag you can stand or kneel.

You can sit and be perplexed and question everything.

Under this flag you can stumble, fall, demonstrate, protest or be undecided.

And if the shit ever hits the fan, we’d all come together for it, because that it is a beautiful thing. 

That flag represents a belief system that says all people are created equal. All are endowed with unalienable rights. All have a right to life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. That set of ideals is why slavery in this country didn’t last.

The flag’s ideals are stronger than our politics. Our government’s interests don’t always align with its values. Sometimes the C suite of The United States of America, Inc. betrays the founders’ original ideas. We The People don’t always get it right and we don’t always do it justice. But through all the noise and commotion, the symbol endures. And if someday our government and military was ever toppled by a worldly regime that opposed these ideals, you’d likely see the stars and stripes start appearing around the world in crude scribbles and graffiti laced undergrounds where people go to die but ideas never will.

I salute all of our players, our problems, our better selves and our flag. Go team, Go!

— M.

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