Examples of good cases [problems or goals].
No one knows who we are.
We're not sure what we’re actually selling.
We’d like some fresh perspective from someone who’s not afraid to tell us the truth.
We’re a start up just beginning to allocate marketing dollars and would like thoughts on what to put where.
We’d like an outlier point of view on our product offering and how we are positioning it.
Just breakdown a few things for us about creative, branding, and general marketing strategy without trying to sell us.
We just want to kickstart a brainstorming session with you or have you lead us through one.
We're questioning our agencies current strategy and want a second opinion.
Our product is ready and now we need an audience [ie. customers].
We're stuck and the usual marketing tactics don't seem to be working.
We're spending too much time telling people about our product.
We think we're paying too much for certain [marketing, branding, creative] services and want options.
We want to find a good agency or hire in house but aren't sure how to.
Our logo/branding sucks and we have a bunch of quotes from agencies or designers but don't feel good about any of the options.
Do I need a “creative” agency, a “marketing” agency, or an “advertising” agency, and honestly what's the difference these days?
We’d like to get a better idea of what a brand book is before we pay an agency $5000 to produce one.
We don’t need any ideas, we just have a list of high level “stupid” questions we wanna discuss and don’t feel comfortable doing it with an/our agency.